Sorry it’s been
awhile, you’ll never guess what happened to me after Zeus unleashed Pandora. Get this, just because I tricked him into
nearly eating ox bone, then stole fire from him in a piece of fennel and gave it
to the mortals, even though he told me not to, he chained me to this massive
pillar in the middle of nowhere, and sicked an eagle on my liver. This eagle wasn’t any eagle either, it had
big wings and everything, and it would eat my liver, every da. Being immortal does have its downfalls; your
organs just grow back after being consumed.
The photo I attached is a pretty realistic portrayal of what it was like. The eagle was a smart arse too, always given me that
satisfied look after eating me, and he wouldn’t be so cocky if I still had my
piece of fennel. But anyway Prometheus
is ever clever and cannot be bound by mere shackles so I broke free of my binds
in a mighty display of strength. Ok it
was Heracles’, I was just about to break myself out then this arrow came from nowhere
and struck the eagle through the chest killing him. Wouldn’t it of been ironic if it struck the
eagle through the liver, I hope that happened.
Heracles, who also happens to have trim ankles just like my mother the
ocean nymph, then released me of my shackles and I was free! I was just about
to go tell Zeus what I thought about him, for chaining me to a pillar but it
turns out that because Heracles had a lot of fame and Zeus believed that his
fame should grow greater than it already is, and because he is Zeus son or
something, he ended all anger he had before.
Thus I Prometheus, son of Iapetos, is free, until next time Zeus. Although I did then learn that that chick,
Pandora, opened up this jar she was holding and unleashed sickness and made
everyone ill and people died, also hope was about to come out of the jar and
she closed it. So that kind of
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